Because we are conscious, we must learn how to live.
Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

The reason money can’t buy happiness is because happiness is an emotion, and emotions change the world you see. Allow me to explain.

Hunger, rage, sexual arousal, all can change your hierarchy of priorities in an instant. It’s all a mind game, and emotions can shape the playing field.

Emotions are non-tangible. They can’t be turned away from as easily as physical objects. They are with you wherever you go, wherever you look. As long as you have the conscious awareness to experience them, they’re there.

The reason money can’t buy happiness is because happiness is an emotion, and emotions are things money can’t touch.

What money can do, is buy physical objects that distract from emotion.

This is the perfect illustration.

The reason people feel money can solve their problems and gives them happiness, is because the money they accumulate early on is spent on novel objects that keep them distracted. These objects are often physical manifestations of fantasies they’ve built. But through the test of time, the novelty will wear off and they’ll be left with the emotions that haven’t been processed for years.

It is those people who then preach that money can’t buy happiness, as the newcomers to wealth chuckle at the silly idea and think the experienced person is full of it because the novelty has done fine keeping their emotions at bay.

The evolution will happen sooner or later for them… Or not, because nowadays there’s so much novelty that they can remain distracted for a lifetime. But if they live long enough, it’ll surely happen. At which point, the cycle continues.

The experience of one person’s life can’t be so easily transferred to a new human being. That new human will be subject to the same emotional fallacies and temptations. This is where the power of communication and proper parenting/mentoring comes in. We… YOU have the power to communicate your experience clearly and effectively enough to guide the steps of a young one to “trip over the truth” in a safe and non-destructive manner to gain the insight for themselves and be provided clear language to conceptualize their experience. This is everyone’s responsibility for those you care about in your life. Words alone can’t get the point across, they must experience it for themselves, but the words can help them make sense of it.

The reason intellectuals or highly self-aware people tend to intuitively understand that money doesn’t buy happiness or at least have this realization younger, is because they’re more in touch with their emotions. It takes far greater and persistent distraction to numb the sensations.

Those who tend to go the longest blinded by physical possessions are those with the shortest attention spans and are also usually extroverted and haven’t spent much time introspecting.

The above article contains tools that may help you judge character and make sense of the seemingly senseless aspects of life.

It’s all understandable, sometimes you just need a heart break to gain the perspective necessary.

Pain is a looking glass with a very unique and powerful vantage point.
Explore it instead of running away from it. This is how the wise gain wisdom. The many distractions nowadays is why wisdom is becoming a rare trait.

Know thyself. Soul search. Explore.
And most importantly, give yourself permission to feel what’s there and forgive yourself for the knee-jerk response society has conditioned you with to feel shameful or weak at having the emotion in the first place.

Created By: Brandon



  • rachaeljl ·

    Hi Brandon, it’s been a while! I was going through my notifications and saw that you’d posted, and I have to say this is divine timing because I’m currently focusing on my own finances so this message was really needed! You know I’m all about self development, etc so I particularly love your point of taking charge of our own experiences. Great post!

    • Brandon ·

      Hi Rachael! It has been a while. A lot has changed. The site looks different too, but finalizing migrating my server to my own computer to apply my own custom theme. Thanks for your kind words! These are tough times. I've learned a lot through them. Self-aware people like yourself tend to be not just resilient, but anti-fragile, meaning you don't just bounce back from hardship, but are strengthened by it. Doesn't make it easy, as I know all too well :/ It's great hearing from you. Best wishes!

  • Rebekah Davis ·

    Great thoughts, Brandon! Thanks for sharing this. I like your advice about giving yourself permission to feel, and about taking time to explore our thoughts and lives.

    • Brandon ·

      Happy to see you around, Rebekah! Thanks for sharing the specifics of what you liked, it makes for useful feedback (: Enjoy the rest of your week.



    Your comments make my day! I appreciate your feedback.

    4 comments on “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

    What others say

    1. Great thoughts, Brandon! Thanks for sharing this. I like your advice about giving yourself permission to feel, and about taking time to explore our thoughts and lives.

      • Brandon says:

        Happy to see you around, Rebekah!
        Thanks for sharing the specifics of what you liked, it makes for useful feedback (:
        Enjoy the rest of your week.

    2. rachaeljl says:

      Hi Brandon, it’s been a while! I was going through my notifications and saw that you’d posted, and I have to say this is divine timing because I’m currently focusing on my own finances so this message was really needed! You know I’m all about self development, etc so I particularly love your point of taking charge of our own experiences. Great post!

      • Brandon says:

        Hi Rachael!
        It has been a while. A lot has changed.
        The site looks different too, but finalizing migrating my server to my own computer to apply my own custom theme.
        Thanks for your kind words! These are tough times. I’ve learned a lot through them. Self-aware people like yourself tend to be not just resilient, but anti-fragile, meaning you don’t just bounce back from hardship, but are strengthened by it.
        Doesn’t make it easy, as I know all too well :/
        It’s great hearing from you.
        Best wishes!

    By: rachaeljl Date: May 17, 2021

    Hi Brandon, it’s been a while! I was going through my notifications and saw that you’d posted, and I have to say this is divine timing because I’m currently focusing on my own finances so this message was really needed! You know I’m all about self development, etc so I particularly love your point of taking charge of our own experiences. Great post!

    By: Brandon Date: May 17, 2021

    Hi Rachael!
    It has been a while. A lot has changed.
    The site looks different too, but finalizing migrating my server to my own computer to apply my own custom theme.
    Thanks for your kind words! These are tough times. I’ve learned a lot through them. Self-aware people like yourself tend to be not just resilient, but anti-fragile, meaning you don’t just bounce back from hardship, but are strengthened by it.
    Doesn’t make it easy, as I know all too well :/
    It’s great hearing from you.
    Best wishes!

    By: Rebekah Davis Date: May 19, 2021

    Great thoughts, Brandon! Thanks for sharing this. I like your advice about giving yourself permission to feel, and about taking time to explore our thoughts and lives.

    By: Brandon Date: May 20, 2021

    Happy to see you around, Rebekah!
    Thanks for sharing the specifics of what you liked, it makes for useful feedback (:
    Enjoy the rest of your week.