Because we are conscious, we must learn how to live.
A Long Ways Coming


There’s something out there.
Or is that what my ego wants me to believe?

What’s these feelings I feel?
Time has passed. Life has moved in unpredictable ways…

But, should I be surprised?
To think I had it all figured out at such a young age.

I find myself searching, searching for that feeling.
A feeling from the past. A feeling I fantasized about when it became lost. This feeling made me feel alive. It had me open and soul-searching. It had me discovering insight after insight.

But, it was never gone.
The first problem was external searching.
That feeling I had, came only from internal investigation.

I detached from a sense of self.
I wrote as a means to explore my thoughts.
What came was from my fingers themselves, a mind of their own.

I write with tears.
My vision isn’t clear.
It has to come from the mind… the heart.
Because I can’t see beyond this haze.
A haze that feels at home…
One I been in for a while.

But, much as tears dry up…
Much as you can refill a cup…
The door is never fully shut.
Get up, recapture that love.

The haze comes and goes.
I should know, I wrote about it…
If you want 6 more feet of visibility in fog…
You have to take 6 more steps. You can’t stand still.

I know this…
I know enough…
But knowing isn’t enough.

A Journey is only as good as the unexpected turns that demanded you to evolve. Take those turns with strides for clarity, and you will find your way.

Where to?
You can’t know.
You wouldn’t want to know.
It’s a part of the Journey you’re on.

Recapture that feeling of surrender to what comes.

Rebuilt that trust. That relationship with yourself.

Created By: Brandon




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